
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2019

Annual Syllabus

Hello guys! In here, you will find the topics that we are going to check during the year. First grade Subject: Social Book: Invention * From farming to factories * How was transport improved * An age of invention * Terrible towns * The slave trade * Britain vs France * The British India * The fight for rights * A changing nation * What was Britain like in 1901? Subject: Use of English Book: Key for schools * Past simple * Present continuous * Countable and Uncountable nouns * Present continuous present simple * Comparatives and superlatives * Have to * Past Simple * Past Continuous * Future with present simple *Conditionals * The passive Second grade Subject: Science Book: Physics * Working scientifically * Forces * Sound * Light * Space * Electricity and magnetism * Energy * Motion and pressure * New technology * Turning point in physics * Detection Subject: Literature Book: C * Hope * Choices * Life * Strength Third


Dear Students We are glad to have you here! This will be a great year! I'm looking forward to working with you all! Welcome 2019 - 2020 With every book, you go back to school. You become a student. You become an investigative reporter. You spend a little time learning what it's like to live in someone else's shoes.  -John Irving Be sure to read all the guidelines so we can be working on the same page! COLEGIO ANGLO MEXICANO DE COYOACÁN. SECUNDARIA CICLO ESCOLAR 2019 - 2020 DEPARTAMENTO DE INGLÉS REGLAMENTO 1. DISCIPLINA Cumplir el reglamento para alumnos de secundaria del COLEGIO ANGLO-MEXICANO DE COYOACÁN. Evitar el uso de materiales ajenos a la asignatura como: teléfono celular, maquillaje, audífonos, materiales de otras asignaturas, aparatos electrónicos, etc., de lo contrario podrán ser retirados y entregados a la titular con su reporte de conducta correspondiente. En caso de ser sorprendidos utilizando a