Annual Syllabus

Hello guys!

In here, you will find the topics that we are going to check during the year.

First grade

Subject: Social
Book: Invention

* From farming to factories
* How was transport improved
* An age of invention
* Terrible towns
* The slave trade
* Britain vs France
* The British India
* The fight for rights
* A changing nation
* What was Britain like in 1901?

Subject: Use of English
Book: Key for schools

* Past simple
* Present continuous
* Countable and Uncountable nouns
* Present continuous present simple
* Comparatives and superlatives
* Have to
* Past Simple
* Past Continuous
* Future with present simple
* The passive

Second grade

Subject: Science
Book: Physics

* Working scientifically
* Forces
* Sound
* Light
* Space
* Electricity and magnetism
* Energy
* Motion and pressure
* New technology
* Turning point in physics
* Detection

Subject: Literature
Book: C

* Hope
* Choices
* Life
* Strength

Third grade

Subject: Social
Book: 1066

* 1066 and all that
* Normal Conquest
* Castles
* How religious were people in the Middle ages
* Life in the middle ages
* Who rules?
* Health and medicine
* Justice
* War
* Medieval Britain

Subject : Use of English
Book: FCE

* A family affair
* Comparisons
* Past simple
* So, such
* too and enough
* Conditionals
* Countable and uncountable nouns
* Articles
* Infinitive or gerund
* Reported Speech
* Modals
* as and like
* Relative pronouns

Have fun!


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