Google Classroom Codes

Hello Guys!!

In here you are going to find the codes for the classes in case you haven't been able to enter the virtual classes, or you, for some reason, haven't received the invitation.

Please, do have in mind something:

Use your real name for the registration. It is going to be fairly impossible for me to grade you if you do not have your real names when delivering your work.

To the codes:

1st grade   

Section II     w2gozx5
Section III    2rjnyh4
Section IV    kytr7fy
Section V     lojaexc

2nd grade

Section II     vhk4nl7
Section III    kbm6tz6
Section IV    tvlnwy6
Section V     zg7tckd

3rd  grade

Section II     lz4xkdb
Section III    bg7aj3v
Section IV    ienjdiw
Section V     ul4opzf

See you in the class guys!!


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