Homeworks 30 -31 October

Hello guys! These are your homeworks for the weekend.

First grade

Sections II and III

Finish the 3 graphics in 1 that we started in class

Sections IV and V

Write about 2 more countries by using your quantifiers. 5 sentences per country.

Second grade

Sections II and III

Complete the crossword started in class with the words given

Sections IV and V

Finish your analysis on the 2 essays that a gave you.

Third grade

Sections II and III

Finish the crossword and illustrate at least 3 of the concepts

Sections IV and V

Bring an old photograph to class, paste it in your notebook


  1. did the photo for 3 grade sec IV has to be from us or we can take it from internet

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


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