Science Questions Section IV - V

Hello guys! please answer the following questions, I do not need you to write the questions, only the answers. 

Hand in  your papers on Wednesday 26 

  1. What is a producer?
  2. The process of making food from the Sun is called:
  3. What is a consumer?
  4. Mention three types of consumers
  5. What is different about Scavengers from other consumers?
  6. Is a Cockroach a producer, a consumer or a decomposer?
  7. Main differences between a food web and a food chain:
  8. The energy pyramid is a diagram that shows:
  9. Draw an arrow in the direction the energy moves:
    • Chipmunk     <-----     Seed
    • Grass                          Deer
    • Turkey Volture           Squirrel
    • Fox                             Grasshopper
    • Chipmunk                  Mountain Lion

Have a great weekend!   C:


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