Hey there guys!

Here you have the guides, we may check something else, if missing, during the classes. You still can ask me things you still don't understand about the topics.

First grade         -          Inside A           -          V - VI

  1. Reading strategies (monitor, predict, etc...)
  2.  Vocabulary from reading 1 (growing together)
  3. Vocabulary "from kids like me"
  4. Writing a paragraph (main ideas and topic sentences)
  5. Parts of a poem.

Second grade          -          Reading plus    -      II - III

  1.  Parts of the animals
  2. Animal's characteristics
  3. Animal descriptions
  4. Defense mechanisms
  5. reading strategies (true or false)
  6. Animal language

Second grade          -           Environmental    -      IV - V

  1. Levels of enviromental organization
  2. Two parts of an enviroment
  3. The energy connection
  4. Producer, consumer and decomposers
  5. Food chains and food webs
  6. Energy pyramid
  7. Balance in ecosystems
  8. Limiting factors
  9. Carrying capacity
  10. Competition, predator, prey
  11. Camouflage, defensive chemicals, warning coloration
  12. Symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism
  13. coevolution
Third grade          -          Use of english       -       VI - VII

  1.  Present perfect simple vs present perfect continuous (state verbs)
  2. Personality vocabulary (adjectives like: argumentative, immature, conventional, etc...)
  3. Verb patterns (infinitive - gerund)
  4. Describing a person (physical, hobbies, etc...)

Third grade               -          The americas       -      II-III

  1.  Parts of a map (compass rose, latitude, longitude, etc)
  2. The maya
    1. geography (some cities)
    2. Classical age
    3. Maya culture
    4. Social structure
    5. religion
    6. Achievements
    7. calendars
    8. Decline (3 theories)
  3. The Aztec
    1.  Geography (important cities)
    2. Aztec society (levels in society)
    3. General descriptions of a city
    4. religion and warfare
    5. Cultural achievements
    6. Cortes conquered Aztecs.


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Homeworks 30 -31 October