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Do you like Christmas? Do you like receiving gifts and being with your family? In this article we talk about this topic… Are you ready?
Christmas, a Christian holiday honoring birth of Jesus. Has evolved into a world wide religious and secular celebration incorporating many Christian tradition into this festivities.
The traditional date is December 25 goes back as far as 273 a.C. Two pagan festivals honoring the sun were also celebrated on that day and it´s possible that December 25 was close to counteract the influence paganism.
The Christian Meaning behind ancient traditions.
©     Evergreen Threes were the symbol of eternal life. Martin Luther introduced them to the Reformation Church as a picture of endless life in Christ.
©     Candles are a picture that Christ is the light of the world.
©     Red is a color of Christmas that speaks of Christ´s blood and death.
©     Gifts are reminder of the gifts of the Magi to baby Jesus.

In 1822 Clement Moore wrote a poem for children that has never been forgotten. It was titled “Twas the night before Christmas…”
Santa Claus is a dutch word that is actually “Sinter Claus” or “Saint Nicholas”. The custom of giving gifts to children has multiple precedents and regional variants. In ancient times parties were held in Rome – in mid December – in honor of Saturn, at the end pf which children received gifts from all elders.   For me, Christmas is one of the best times of the year because you can live with your whole family, the children have the emotion that Santa Claus bringing them gifts and they eat very delicious food prepared by loved ones. 


Which book should I read?
by Athalie  R.

Have you read a book? If so, Did you enjoy it?It is good for you to make the habit of reading periodically. Reading increases your vocabulary, memory and concentration, reduces stress, and trains your brain between other benefits. It also lets you understand that there are more ideas than yours and they have the same right to be share.
A book reveals the intime thoughts of the author and those will be your motivation for reading them. It doesn’t matter if it will increase your knowledge in maths or physics, open your imagination to new adventures, or helps you finding your real love. Each of them has its own magic and leaves a learning or an idea rumbling in your head.
There are many categories and subjects in literature, called as genres. Such as the poetry, fiction, nonfiction and drama. Every genre attracts to certain group of readers. Depending on their age, personality, interstings, etc. Don’t worry if you are not sure about, what genre attracts you the most, you will discover it by trying with all of them.
 If a book doesn’t catch your attention at the first lines or even pages, doesn’t mean you are not going to like it. So give the writer a second chance and finish the book, at the end you can make a judgement about, what you like and what you don’t.
What im trying to explain in these lines, is that your likes in reading should not depend in others, you don’t need to be ashame of what you read, and whatever it is, something good is leaving in you.


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