Thematic guides for the semester exam

Hello guys!! sorry for the delay, this week was bananas!!
Here you have the topics that you must check for your semester exams:

1st grade

Sections II and III Social

* Names and activities of jobs in the early English history (examples milkmaid, clothier)
* Advances in medicine
* Materials that England had and traded (example: wood, wool, cotton)
* Important inventions in the clothes industry (example: shuttle)
* Steam engine, parts (!)
* Working in the early years
* Child labour
* Minning (deaths and jobs)
* Working ACTS (example: trade union act)
* Roads in England (examples: toll, highwaymen)
* Back-to-back houses
* Killer diseases.

Sections IV and V Use of English

* Adverbs of frequency (example: always, often)
* Present continuous
* House vocabulary
* Quantifiers (example: a lot)
* Adjectives (example: big, dirty)
* Prepositions of time IN, ON, AT
* Comparatives and superlatives
* Pronouns
* Obligation

Second Grade:

Sections II and III Science

* Forces
* Parts of a wave
* Diagrams of Forces
*Contact and non-contact forces
* Actions and reactions
* Sound and the ear
* light, colour and the eye

Sections IV and V Literature

* Parts of a text
* Parts of a poem
* Literary elements
* Context clues
* Compound sentences
* Countable and mass nouns
* Main and subordinate sentences

Third grade

Sections II and III Social

* Ages of humans
* Early civilizations
 - Celts
 - Romans
 - Anglo-saxons
 - Vikings
* Vocabulary on supplies and materials England had in the early ages (example: silver, salt)
* War for the crown:
 - Harold
 - Harald
 - William
* The British and Norman army (example: housecarls, battleaxe)
* Battle of Hastings
* Parts of a Castle (example: portcullis, draw bridge)

Sections IV and V Use of English

* Vocabulary "make and do"
* Present continuous
* Present perfect
* Past simple
* Past continuous
* Past perfect
* Reading and use of English
* Prepositions of time IN, ON, AT
* First and second conditionals.


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